Tiwb boeler 12cr1movg

Tiwb boeler 12cr1movg

Mae tiwb boeler 12cr1movg yn diwb boeler pwysedd uchel aloi, sy'n perthyn i ddur aloi.

微信图片 _20231009112930

Priodweddau Mecanyddol Pibell Alloy 12cr1movg
Cryfder tynnol mpa cynnyrch pwynt mpa elongation (%) cryfder tynnol mpa cynnyrch pwynt mpa elongation (%)
12cr1movg 470 ~ 640, 255, 21440, 255 19
(1) Mae graddau dur strwythurol carbon o ansawdd uchel yn 20g, 20mng, 25mng.
(2) Graddau dur strwythurol aloi yw 15mog, 20mog, 12crmog, 15crmog, 12cr2mog, 12cr1mov, 12crmovg, 12cr3movsitib, ac ati.

Yn ogystal, mae rhai gofynion ar gyfer yr haen microstrwythur, maint grawn a datgarburization y tiwbiau dur gorffenedig.
Specifications and appearance quality of high-pressure boiler tubes: GB/T5310-2018 “Seamless Steel Tubes for High-Pressure Boilers” The outer diameter of hot-rolled tubes is 22 to 530 mm, and the wall thickness varies from 20 to 70 mm . The outer diameter of cold-drawn (cold-rolled) tubes is 10 to 108 mm, and the wall thickness varies from 2.0 to 13.0 mm.


Amser Post: Ion-02-2025